Kılıç Mesjid Minaret

Kılıç Mosque was ordered by Sheikh Mehmet Efendi in H. 570/1175 AD. The mosque was demolished and only the minaret remained.

The mosque may have named “Kılıç (The Sword)” after the Kılıç clan of the Oghuz Tribe or the fact that Sivrihisar was conquered with swords and the mosque was the first masjid where a khutbah was held with sword. The minaret is valuable in that it exhibits characteristics of its era. It is also the only minaret in the town with ceramic belts. It is said that the wooden pulpit in Great Mosque of Sivrihisar was brought from the masjid of this minaret. It is noteworthy that the structure adjacent to the minaret with monumental dimensions has measures of a masjid.

Kılıç Minaret sits on a square base made from face stone and some random materials brought from antique ruins nearby. The door which has 4 large steps in front is in the western side of the minaret, which used to be adjacent to the mosque. Its door is wooden and has a single wing. The area where prayers leave their shoes has four corners and is tied to the cylindrical main area from its corners. The minaret has 53 steps and decorated with ceramic belts. One of these belts is below the honeycomb wall, the other two are above the balcony, in the middle of the chimney and below the cone and have duck egg green color. The cone is covered with lead and has a half-moon-shaped finial.

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