Surp Yerotutyun Armenian Church

The church was built by Armenians as a religious and artistic structure in 1881 and the actual name of the church is Surp Yerrortut’yun Church (Holy Trinity Church). It is also known as the Red Church due to red face stones used in its construction.

Surp Yerrortut’yun Church was planned as a rectangle extending from East to West from the outside and a three-nave basilica inside. The church has bell towers on both sides and there is a earth figure above the gate with a saint on both sides. The inscription right below the earth figure has angels on both sides. The church has a baptismal room in its northern part and a room for the pastor in the southern part.

The inscription of the church reads as follows: A church has been built with the help of congregation members in the name of the Holy Trinity (Surp Yerrortut’yun). Under the reign of Patriarch Nerses and with the help of the faithful community of Sivrihisar, the memorable work of the architect Mintesh Panoyat, Surp Yerrortut’yun Church, was built in 1881.

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